Showing posts with label Upcycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Upcycling. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2012

Next up: PLARN

As if my recycling adventures had not reached an all time high with my upcycled t-shirt yarn bag, I’m am now venturing into the realms of recycled grocery bags!

I never saw a tutorial for making plarn, so I figured it out just for you – all four of my dedicated readers. <sarcastic grin!>

Since WA has new laws going into effect soon about the use of plastic bags at stores, everyone is really into using the reusable grocery bags. Instead of throwing my plastic shopping bags into the recycle like I usually do, I’m now turning them all into plarn and I’m going to make reusable grocery bags out of the grocery bag plarn! (The irony here is killing me!)

Plarn is super easy.

  1. First: be sure your grocery bag didn’t hold something gross like chicken because it’s not really going to be launder-able.WP_000818
  2. Next: flatten out your bag and pull the corners so the plastic is nice and square.
  3. Then: fold up the sides so the handles are together.WP_000820
  4. Cut the handles off.    WP_000821
  5. Cut off the sealed bottom piece.
  6. Cut 2cm “strips” from the folded bag.WP_000822
  7. Link the “strip/loops” together so they are one long series of loops. WP_000823WP_000824
  8. Repeat with lots of bags. 50? 100? use your whole cabinet full.
  9. Pretend they’re not loops, roll into a “plarn ball.”WP_000825(1)